The Importance of Assessments

Importance of Getting The Answers

Answers to these questions are important to identify the underlying learning issues that can be at the heart of what are often misunderstood psychological and behavioral issues. In addition, this type of assessment helps to identify the way that psychological issues may impact how a client scores on IQ/achievement tests or standardized testing, as well as classroom/vocational performance and behavior.

Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is another crucial benefit of psychological assessment. Often clients come to Dr. Newes after having been previously diagnosed with a variety of issues. This can be very confusing and frustrating or clients, and clarification of diagnostic issues is essential in identifying the most effective treatment approaches, intervention strategies, and any associated medication administration. Through this, clients and parents can be assured that they are being provided with the services they need to develop the tools necessary for a healthy and successful life.

Importance of the Assessment

Psychological and psychoeducational assessment are critical in exploring issues that may be underlying a client's presenting behaviors. It is designed to answer a number of questions, such as:

  • Is the client struggling with mental illness?
  • What is the most accurate diagnosis?
  • What is the best course of treatment?
  • What strength and limitations might a client have?
  • What is the role of substance abuse/addiction?
  • Does the client have a learning disability or ADHD?
  • What is the client's academic and cognitive abilities, strengths, and weaknesses?      
  • Does the client need specialized accommodations in school or for testing, or an individualized learning environment?
  • How do his or her psychological issues impact learning and/or work-related issues, and under what circumstances?
  • How do cognitive/learning issues relate to psychological factors?