The Evaluation Process

Rear Mirror, Solution, Problem, Analysis

The Process

In order to gain a comprehensive view of the client, Dr. Newes gathers background information prior to the evaluation and throughout the process. She reviews any available records and previous test results. Since collateral information is often an essential aspect of comprehensive assessment, the client's therapist, referral source, and other professionals involved in the process may be consulted when consent is granted.

The amount of time for each assessment varies based on client need and the level of testing requested. An initial session typically takes 1-3 hours, although longer sessions can be scheduled for the sake of efficiency. Testing may include administration of test materials, self-report measures, and/or computerized assessment. Follow up sessions will then be scheduled, including in person or phone sessions with parents and significant others. A feedback session follows, during which results are shared and implications are discussed. Treatment recommendations based on these results are also provided. Reports are sent electronically in order to allow ease of forwarding to schools and other professionals.

The Components

Compressive and skilled interviews lead the process and Dr. Newes is skilled at developing an easy rapport that allows her to fully understand the client's individual story and contributing factors. It also allows her to evaluate interpersonal style.

Psychological testing helps identify the specific psychological and behavioral issues a client may be struggling with, along with how these might also be influencing intellectual functioning and his or her ability to be successful in school, work or relationships.

Intellectual testing measures a client's potential for learning by examining the nature of the strengths and weaknesses within his or her unique information processing style, including attention and executive functioning. Attention and focus are also assessed to explore the possibility of ADHD, along with any signs of the presence of other issues.

Educational achievement testing measures what has been learned in math, reading, writing and other academic areas, and also helps to further clarify learning-related issues. If a client has an identified learning disability, educational tests are used document the effect of this on learning. Results can then be used to procure appropriate educational accommodations.

Substance abuse testing can also be included when warranted. The role that substance use plays in behavior and how it impacts other presenting issues will then be explored.